How To Settle A New Kitten
24.07.21 July 24, 2021 Getting A Kitten

How To Settle A New Kitten

Adding a new kitten to your family can be very exciting. It can be so much fun getting to know a new feline personality and getting to cuddle, care for and play with an adorable little furbaby. However, all the new sights, sounds and smells can be overwhelming for your kitty so it’s important to know the steps you should take to help your new addition to feel calm, comfortable and content when they first move in. By preparing your home for your cat and taking some practical steps to help them settle in, you can help to prevent a whole host of difficult feline issues and behaviours, including stress, aggression, eating problems and spraying. In this blog, we’ll give you practical tips on how to make your new kitten feel right at home.   How do you settle a new kitten? Whether you’ve adopted a kitten from a cat shelter or bought one from a breeder, it’s important to know how to help your feline friend to get acquainted with their new home. Here are some top tips to make adjusting to life in their new surroundings less daunting for them.   Get essentials in advance Don’t leave it until your cat has moved in to get the essentials they require. Give them the best start by getting feeding bowls, water bowls, litter trays, beds, blankets, carriers, scratching posts and cat toys ready in advance of their arrival. That way, they can get used to having the same items from day one.   Prepare a safe room Giving your new addition the run of your whole house or flat can lead to overstimulation, disorientation and stress. Instead of giving them access to your entire home, you should try to set aside one room or a quiet area of a room that is just for them. A spare room, a utility room or a room under the stairs could work well so long as it is well lit, heated and ventilated. The room should be away from the busier areas of the house if possible so that your cat feels safe and doesn’t feel scared or threatened by loud noises and the general hubbub of a busy household. Everything your cat needs should be placed in this safe room. You should only give your cat access to the rest of the house when they’ve grown accustomed to their space and developed more confidence.   How to make a kitten feel safe Even when confined to one room with all of their essential items, a cat can still be easily perturbed when they’re in a new environment. By paying heed to the following advice, you can help them to feel safe throughout this important   Give them a hiding spot Having a cosy nook to hide away in can help an anxious kitty to feel safer and more secure in their new environment. A cardboard box, a den, a hooded bed, a cat stool or a tunnel would be perfect.   Give them access to high spaces Cats are natural climbers and like to explore the world at all levels. If possible, give your cat access to a safe spot high up so they can put their natural instincts into practice and have somewhere to jump up to when they want to feel more secure. A window sill (as long as the window is shut), a radiator bed or a perch on top of a scratching post or activity centre could work well.   Use scents Familiar scents can help your cat to feel grounded and secure. Before you take a new cat home, you might want to investigate whether you can take a blanket or towel they’ve used in a foster home, adoption centre or breeders with them to help them to feel safe and comfortable. You may also want to give them an item with your scent on it, such as an old piece of clothing or a blanket to help them to get used to your smell and build their confidence with you. Cat calming sprays can also be great for helping nervous kittens to feel more settled.   How to comfort a new kitten It can be difficult to see a kitten scared or in distress and your instinct might be to pick them up and give them a great big cuddle. However, this might have the opposite effect on your cat, who might misinterpret your affection. Earning your cat’s trust requires patience and consistency but if you follow these tips, you’re sure to win your kitty over and be their safe space for many years to come.   Let them come to you As we’ve discussed, it can be very exciting to have a new cat come to live with you and you may be keen to make a fuss of them. If there are children in the home, they may also be eager to handle and cuddle their new furry friend. However, in order to help your kitty to feel safe and comfortable in their new space, it’s important not to force contact. Instead, you should let your kitten come to you in their own time. Being consistent with this can help you to gain your kitten’s trust and get your relationship off to a good start.   Get down on their level Imagine how tall you must appear to a tiny kitten! Rather than standing up to shake a box of treats or bending down to give your cat a stroke, sit down on the floor and experience the world at your kitten’s level. Doing this will help you to appear less threatening and make your kitten more likely to work up the confidence to get to know you at their pace.   Bond through food The best way to your cat’s heart is through their tummy. Cats are naturally social creatures but they tend to form the closest bonds with the people who provide them with food, water and safety. Food is fantastic for helping you to develop that special bond you’ll enjoy for the rest of your cat’s life. As well as providing your cat with regular meals, you can supplement their diet with healthy snacks. You can make the feeding experience more fun and enjoy regular playtime sessions together by using interactive toys that release treats for your kitty. Bringing a new kitten home is undoubtedly an exciting time and, as long as you follow tips like these, your cat is sure to settle into their new environment. If you have questions or concerns about your cat at any stage, however, it’s best to seek advice from a veterinarian.

By Zac Girdlestone

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Adding a new kitten to your family can be very exciting. It can be so much fun getting to know a new feline personality and getting to cuddle, care for and play with an adorable little furbaby. However, all the new sights, sounds and smells can be overwhelming for your kitty so it’s important to know the steps you should take to help your new addition to feel calm, comfortable and content when they first move in.

By preparing your home for your cat and taking some practical steps to help them settle in, you can help to prevent a whole host of difficult feline issues and behaviours, including stress, aggression, eating problems and spraying.

In this blog, we’ll give you practical tips on how to make your new kitten feel right at home.


How do you settle a new kitten?

Whether you’ve adopted a kitten from a cat shelter or bought one from a breeder, it’s important to know how to help your feline friend to get acquainted with their new home. Here are some top tips to make adjusting to life in their new surroundings less daunting for them.

Kitten sat underneath the stairs with a bed and a blanket


Get essentials in advance

Don’t leave it until your cat has moved in to get the essentials they require. Give them the best start by getting feeding bowls, water bowls, litter trays, beds, blankets, carriers, scratching posts and cat toys ready in advance of their arrival. That way, they can get used to having the same items from day one.


Prepare a safe room

Giving your new addition the run of your whole house or flat can lead to overstimulation, disorientation and stress. Instead of giving them access to your entire home, you should try to set aside one room or a quiet area of a room that is just for them. A spare room, a utility room or a room under the stairs could work well so long as it is well lit, heated and ventilated. The room should be away from the busier areas of the house if possible so that your cat feels safe and doesn’t feel scared or threatened by loud noises and the general hubbub of a busy household. Everything your cat needs should be placed in this safe room. You should only give your cat access to the rest of the house when they’ve grown accustomed to their space and developed more confidence.


How to make a kitten feel safe

Even when confined to one room with all of their essential items, a cat can still be easily perturbed when they’re in a new environment. By paying heed to the following advice, you can help them to feel safe throughout this important

Close up of a ginger kitten 

Give them a hiding spot

Having a cosy nook to hide away in can help an anxious kitty to feel safer and more secure in their new environment. A cardboard box, a den, a hooded bed, a cat stool or a tunnel would be perfect.


Give them access to high spaces

Cats are natural climbers and like to explore the world at all levels. If possible, give your cat access to a safe spot high up so they can put their natural instincts into practice and have somewhere to jump up to when they want to feel more secure. A window sill (as long as the window is shut), a radiator bed or a perch on top of a scratching post or activity centre could work well.


Use scents

Familiar scents can help your cat to feel grounded and secure. Before you take a new cat home, you might want to investigate whether you can take a blanket or towel they’ve used in a foster home, adoption centre or breeders with them to help them to feel safe and comfortable. You may also want to give them an item with your scent on it, such as an old piece of clothing or a blanket to help them to get used to your smell and build their confidence with you. Cat calming sprays can also be great for helping nervous kittens to feel more settled.


How to comfort a new kitten

It can be difficult to see a kitten scared or in distress and your instinct might be to pick them up and give them a great big cuddle. However, this might have the opposite effect on your cat, who might misinterpret your affection. Earning your cat’s trust requires patience and consistency but if you follow these tips, you’re sure to win your kitty over and be their safe space for many years to come.

White kitten 

Let them come to you

As we’ve discussed, it can be very exciting to have a new cat come to live with you and you may be keen to make a fuss of them. If there are children in the home, they may also be eager to handle and cuddle their new furry friend. However, in order to help your kitty to feel safe and comfortable in their new space, it’s important not to force contact. Instead, you should let your kitten come to you in their own time. Being consistent with this can help you to gain your kitten’s trust and get your relationship off to a good start.


Get down on their level

Imagine how tall you must appear to a tiny kitten! Rather than standing up to shake a box of treats or bending down to give your cat a stroke, sit down on the floor and experience the world at your kitten’s level. Doing this will help you to appear less threatening and make your kitten more likely to work up the confidence to get to know you at their pace.


Bond through food

The best way to your cat’s heart is through their tummy. Cats are naturally social creatures but they tend to form the closest bonds with the people who provide them with food, water and safety. Food is fantastic for helping you to develop that special bond you’ll enjoy for the rest of your cat’s life. As well as providing your cat with regular meals, you can supplement their diet with healthy snacks. You can make the feeding experience more fun and enjoy regular playtime sessions together by using interactive toys that release treats for your kitty.

Bringing a new kitten home is undoubtedly an exciting time and, as long as you follow tips like these, your cat is sure to settle into their new environment. If you have questions or concerns about your cat at any stage, however, it’s best to seek advice from a veterinarian.

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Tiring them out may also help them relax more later in the evening.  Feed in advance – Feeding your dog before any expected fireworks would be advised, as an anxious or scared dog may not want to eat. Ensure their water bowl is filled – Anxious dogs are likely to pant, drool and generally be thirstier. Regular checking their water bowl will ensure they have a drink available. It may be worth encouraging them to drink throughout the evening as they may forget due to fear. Shut curtains and blinds – This will ensure any bright flashes are minimalised which could lead to scaring your pup. Double check the security of your garden – Letting your dog out to relieve themselves whilst fireworks are going off may be necessary, especially for puppies. Making your garden secure will ensure your dog can not escape in an attempt to run away from the loud explosions and bright flashes.  Anti-anxiety and calming products – At Lords & Labradors we understand that your dog may need something extra to support them through scary and anxious moments. Our range of anti-anxiety and calming products ensure that your dog will be calmer through traumatic evenings such as Bonfire Night.   Time to check your dog's microchipping details? The Autumn can bring a variety of occasions that can spook your canine friend, especially Halloween and Bonfire Night. It makes early October the perfect time to check you dogs microchip details, and ensure they are wearing their collar with ID tag as often as possible. Loud noises and unfamiliar sights that occasions like Bonfire Night bring (with fireworks) are likely to be things that could spook your pup into attempting to run away. We know that the last thing any pet owner wants to do is lose their pet – but ensuring that their details are up to date will best prepare you for that worst case scenario and help you find them just in case they do go missing!    Top Dog Calming Products To Use On Bonfire Night Woof & Brew Anxious Hound Herbal Tonic - This healthy tonic for dogs is a great daily supplement for anxious or nervous dogs and is ideal to give them before stressful situations such as fireworks. It's a special blend, rich in vitamins and minerals, best served over food or in their water. Each bottle has approximately 60 servings (please read the label for serving details).  Beaphar Cani Comfort Collars - The Beaphar CaniComfort Collars are great at relaxing your dog, they use pheromone technology to help calm your dog. Pheremones are one of the ways dogs communicate, the Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP) is naturally produced by mums when they are feeding their puppies. These collars contain a replica of the DAP which is familiar to all dogs so are instantly calming for all dogs. The collars are effective for up to four weeks so are perfect for over the Halloween and Bonfire festivities. The collar can have effects in as little as 15 minutes but we recommend putting it on a day or two before Halloween in case anyone has any early fireworks go off, simply fit the collar around your dog’s neck, fasten and cut off the excess. Perfect for calming and providing reassurance to your dog in what can be a scary time of year for our four-legged-friends. Calming Anti-Anxiety Donut Beds - Here at Lords & Labradors we design our products specifically with your dog’s needs in mind, our faux-fur donut beds are perfect for reducing your dog’s anxiety. The plump soft walls of the donut beds have been designed to cocoon your dog to sleep and help calm them. They come in the softest faux-fur fabric so are perfect for snuggling in.  Pet Remedy All-in-one Calming Kit  - There are a number of different options in the Pet remedy range including plug-in diffusers and room sprays. Pet Remedy contains a host of natural oils that de-stress and calm nervous pets. Our favourite product is the All-in-One Calming Kit that includes a room spray, plug-in diffuser and calming wipes. All the things you could need to help keep your pet calm through the celebrations. We hope you enjoy the festivities of the season. If you have a pet and you're concerned about their anxiety levels, don't panic! Try one of the solutions above and do your best to keep them feeling secure. If you have any questions about this article, or any other topic, do get in touch. You can chat to us via the Chat link on the bottom right hand side of our website, email or call us on 01790 720900.    

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