Dog Depression Symptoms: How to Keep Your Dog Happy & Healthy
25.09.24 September 25, 2024 Health

Dog Depression Symptoms: How to Keep Your Dog Happy & Healthy

Dogs are often celebrated for their unwavering loyalty and joyful demeanour. However, just like humans, our canine companions can experience depression. Recognising the signs of dog depression is crucial for ensuring your pet's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the symptoms of depression in dogs and puppies, delve into the causes, and provide insights on how to keep your dog happy and healthy. Can Dogs Get Depressed? Absolutely. Canine depression is a real and serious condition. While dogs don't experience emotions in exactly the same way humans do, they can exhibit behaviours that indicate they're feeling down or anxious. Understanding these signs is the first step toward helping your dog overcome depression. Signs of Depression in Dogs and Puppies Recognising the signs of depression in dogs can be challenging, as symptoms often overlap with other health issues. Here are some common dog depression symptoms to watch for: Changes in Appetite - A depressed dog may lose interest in food, leading to weight loss. Conversely, some dogs might overeat as a coping mechanism. Decreased Activity Levels - If your dog seems lethargic or less enthusiastic about walks and playtime, it could be a sign of depression. Withdrawal from Social Interaction - Dogs are social animals. A depressed dog might isolate themselves, avoiding interaction with family members or other pets. Excessive Sleeping - While dogs do sleep a lot, a noticeable increase in sleep time can indicate that something is wrong. Loss of Interest in Favourite Activities - If your dog no longer enjoys their favourite toys or games, this could be a symptom of canine depression. Behavioural Changes - Signs such as increased aggression, fearfulness, or destructive behaviours can also point toward depression. Changes in Body Language - Look for signs like tucked tails, flattened ears, or a lack of facial expression. Causes of Dog Depression Understanding the root cause of your dog's depression is essential for effective treatment. Here are some common triggers: Major Life Changes - Events like moving to a new home, the arrival of a new baby, or the addition of another pet can upset your dog's emotional balance. Loss of a Companion - Dogs can grieve the loss of a fellow pet or a human family member, leading to depression. Trauma or Abuse - Past experiences of abuse or neglect can have long-lasting effects on a dog's mental health. Physical Health Issues - Sometimes, underlying medical conditions manifest as depression. Always consult a veterinarian to rule out health problems. How to Tell if Your Dog Is Depressed So, how can you tell if your dog is depressed? Observation is key. Monitor changes in behaviour, appetite, and energy levels. Keep a journal of any symptoms and consult your veterinarian for a professional assessment. How to Treat Dog Depression Addressing depression in dogs often requires a multifaceted approach: Consult a Vet - First and foremost, rule out any medical issues that could be causing depressive symptoms. Provide Mental Stimulation - Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and new experiences can help alleviate boredom and improve mood. Shop our range of interactive puzzle toys here. Increase Physical Activity - Regular exercise releases endorphins, which can boost your dog's mood. Try a new route or walk for extra stimulation Establish a Routine - Dogs thrive on consistency. A predictable schedule can provide a sense of security. Social Interaction - Arrange playdates with other dogs or spend extra quality time with your pet to reinforce your bond. Professional Training or Therapy - In some cases, working with a professional trainer or animal behaviourist can be beneficial. Keeping Your Dog Happy and Healthy Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to keep your dog emotionally and physically healthy: Regular Check-ups - Routine vet visits can help detect and prevent health issues that may lead to depression. Balanced Diet - A nutritious diet supports overall well-being. We have carefully curated a range of nutritious food for your dog so you can be sure you’re feeding them the best, shop it here. Safe and Comfortable Environment - Ensure your dog has a comfortable space to rest and feels safe at home. Some dogs actually thrive in a crate as it appeals to their den seeking instincts, turn their crate into the ultimate den with one of our crate sets. Positive Reinforcement - Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behaviour and strengthen your relationship. Plenty of training treats and attention can go a long way. Attention and Affection - Never underestimate the power of love and attention. Spend quality time with your dog every day. When to Seek Professional Help If you've tried these strategies and still wonder, "Is my dog depressed or sick?", it's crucial to seek professional advice. A vet or a certified animal behaviourist can provide guidance tailored to your dog's specific needs. Conclusion Recognising and addressing depression in dogs is essential for their happiness and health. By being attentive to dog depression signs and proactive in your approach, you can help your furry friend navigate through tough times. Remember, your love and support make a significant difference in your dog's life.At Lords & Labradors, we understand the importance of your pet's mental and physical well-being. Our range of products is designed to enrich your dog's life, from stimulating toys to comfortable bedding. Visit our online store to find everything you need to keep your dog happy and healthy.

By Megan Willis

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Dogs are often celebrated for their unwavering loyalty and joyful demeanour. However, just like humans, our canine companions can experience depression. Recognising the signs of dog depression is crucial for ensuring your pet's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the symptoms of depression in dogs and puppies, delve into the causes, and provide insights on how to keep your dog happy and healthy.

Can Dogs Get Depressed?

Absolutely. Canine depression is a real and serious condition. While dogs don't experience emotions in exactly the same way humans do, they can exhibit behaviours that indicate they're feeling down or anxious. Understanding these signs is the first step toward helping your dog overcome depression.

Labrador puppy looking sad

Signs of Depression in Dogs and Puppies

Recognising the signs of depression in dogs can be challenging, as symptoms often overlap with other health issues. Here are some common dog depression symptoms to watch for:

  1. Changes in Appetite - A depressed dog may lose interest in food, leading to weight loss. Conversely, some dogs might overeat as a coping mechanism.
  2. Decreased Activity Levels - If your dog seems lethargic or less enthusiastic about walks and playtime, it could be a sign of depression.
  3. Withdrawal from Social Interaction - Dogs are social animals. A depressed dog might isolate themselves, avoiding interaction with family members or other pets.
  4. Excessive Sleeping - While dogs do sleep a lot, a noticeable increase in sleep time can indicate that something is wrong.
  5. Loss of Interest in Favourite Activities - If your dog no longer enjoys their favourite toys or games, this could be a symptom of canine depression.
  6. Behavioural Changes - Signs such as increased aggression, fearfulness, or destructive behaviours can also point toward depression.
  7. Changes in Body Language - Look for signs like tucked tails, flattened ears, or a lack of facial expression.

Causes of Dog Depression

Dog looking sad in a bed

Understanding the root cause of your dog's depression is essential for effective treatment. Here are some common triggers:

  1. Major Life Changes - Events like moving to a new home, the arrival of a new baby, or the addition of another pet can upset your dog's emotional balance.
  2. Loss of a Companion - Dogs can grieve the loss of a fellow pet or a human family member, leading to depression.
  3. Trauma or Abuse - Past experiences of abuse or neglect can have long-lasting effects on a dog's mental health.
  4. Physical Health Issues - Sometimes, underlying medical conditions manifest as depression. Always consult a veterinarian to rule out health problems.

How to Tell if Your Dog Is Depressed

So, how can you tell if your dog is depressed? Observation is key. Monitor changes in behaviour, appetite, and energy levels. Keep a journal of any symptoms and consult your veterinarian for a professional assessment.

How to Treat Dog Depression

Dalmatian looking sad on a sofa

Addressing depression in dogs often requires a multifaceted approach:

  1. Consult a Vet - First and foremost, rule out any medical issues that could be causing depressive symptoms.
  2. Provide Mental Stimulation - Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and new experiences can help alleviate boredom and improve mood. Shop our range of interactive puzzle toys here.
  3. Increase Physical Activity - Regular exercise releases endorphins, which can boost your dog's mood. Try a new route or walk for extra stimulation
  4. Establish a Routine - Dogs thrive on consistency. A predictable schedule can provide a sense of security.
  5. Social Interaction - Arrange playdates with other dogs or spend extra quality time with your pet to reinforce your bond.
  6. Professional Training or Therapy - In some cases, working with a professional trainer or animal behaviourist can be beneficial.

Keeping Your Dog Happy and Healthy

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to keep your dog emotionally and physically healthy:

  1. Regular Check-ups - Routine vet visits can help detect and prevent health issues that may lead to depression.
  2. Balanced Diet - A nutritious diet supports overall well-being. We have carefully curated a range of nutritious food for your dog so you can be sure you’re feeding them the best, shop it here.
  3. Safe and Comfortable Environment - Ensure your dog has a comfortable space to rest and feels safe at home. Some dogs actually thrive in a crate as it appeals to their den seeking instincts, turn their crate into the ultimate den with one of our crate sets.
  4. Positive Reinforcement - Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behaviour and strengthen your relationship. Plenty of training treats and attention can go a long way.
  5. Attention and Affection - Never underestimate the power of love and attention. Spend quality time with your dog every day.
Maltipoo in a donut bed

When to Seek Professional Help

If you've tried these strategies and still wonder, "Is my dog depressed or sick?", it's crucial to seek professional advice. A vet or a certified animal behaviourist can provide guidance tailored to your dog's specific needs.


Recognising and addressing depression in dogs is essential for their happiness and health. By being attentive to dog depression signs and proactive in your approach, you can help your furry friend navigate through tough times. Remember, your love and support make a significant difference in your dog's life.

At Lords & Labradors, we understand the importance of your pet's mental and physical well-being. Our range of products is designed to enrich your dog's life, from stimulating toys to comfortable bedding. Visit our online store to find everything you need to keep your dog happy and healthy.

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    Can My Dog Eat Apples? Are Apples Good for Dogs?

    We're coming into peak apple season and maybe you're looking to share some tasty fresh apples with your furry friend. As a responsible pet owner, it's natural to question the safety and benefits of feeding human foods to your canine companion. One common query is, can dogs eat apples? The short answer is yes, but there are essential details to consider to ensure it's both safe and beneficial for your furry friend. Nutritional Benefits of Apples for Dogs Apples for dogs can be a nutritious addition to their diet. Apples are rich in vitamins A and C, which support eye health and immune function. They also contain dietary fibre, aiding in digestion and promoting a healthy gut. Additionally, apples are low in fat and protein, making them an excellent treat for dogs with certain dietary restrictions. Are Apples Good for Dogs? Absolutely, apples are good for dogs when given in moderation and prepared correctly. They can help clean your dog's teeth and freshen their breath. The antioxidants present in apples may contribute to overall health and wellness, potentially reducing the risk of certain diseases. Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin? Many pet owners wonder, can dogs eat apple skin? Yes, apple skin is safe for dogs and contains additional fibre. However, it's crucial to wash the apple thoroughly to remove any pesticides or chemicals that could be harmful. If your dog has a sensitive stomach, you might consider peeling the apple to prevent any digestive upset. Can dogs eat apple cores? It's advisable to avoid giving your dog the core of the apple. The core can pose a choking hazard, especially for smaller dogs. Are Apple Seeds Poisonous To Dogs? In large quantities, they can be harmful. Apple seeds contain a compound called amygdalin, which can release cyanide when digested. While a few seeds won't poison a dog, it's best to err on the side of caution and remove them entirely. Are Apples Bad for Dogs in Any Way? In general, apples are safe, but overfeeding can lead to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea or stomach upset. Is apple bad for dogs? Only if consumed in excessive amounts or if the seeds and core are ingested. Always introduce any new food gradually and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions. Can Puppies Eat Apples? Introducing new foods to puppies requires extra care. Can puppies eat apples? Yes, but in small, manageable pieces to prevent choking. Ensure that all seeds and the core are removed. Start with tiny amounts to see how your puppy's digestive system handles the new treat. How to Safely Feed Apples to Your Dog Wash Thoroughly: Clean the apple to remove any harmful substances. Remove Core and Seeds: Eliminate choking hazards and prevent cyanide ingestion. Cut into Small Pieces: This makes it easier for your dog to eat and digest. Moderation is Key: Treat apples as an occasional snack, not a meal replacement. Are Apples OK for Dogs with Specific Health Conditions? If your dog has diabetes or cancer, consult your veterinarian before adding apples to their diet due to the natural sugars present. Is apple ok for dogs with these conditions? Only a professional can provide guidance based on your dog's health status. Can Dogs Have Apple Juice or Applesauce? While apples themselves are safe, products like apple juice or applesauce often contain added sugars and preservatives. Can dogs have apple juice? It's best to avoid it. Stick to fresh apples to ensure your dog isn't consuming unnecessary additives. Feeding Dogs Apples: A Recap Dogs and Apples: A healthy combination when done right. Apple for Dogs: A source of vitamins and fibre. Feeding Dogs Apples: Remove harmful parts and serve in moderation. Conclusion So, can my dog eat apples? Yes, when prepared properly, apples can be a delightful and healthy treat for your dog. Remember to avoid the seeds and core, wash the fruit thoroughly, and introduce it slowly into their diet. If you have any concerns, especially regarding health conditions or dietary restrictions, always consult your veterinarian. Incorporating apples into your dog's diet can be a great way to provide variety and nutrition. Just keep an eye on your furry friend to ensure they enjoy this fruity treat safely. Looking for some specific dog treats? Shop our range of luxury dog treats here.

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Tennis Balls for Dogs: A Safer Alternative Understanding the risks associated with standard tennis balls leads us to seek safer alternatives. Tennis balls for dogs are specifically designed to mitigate these dangers. These dog-friendly tennis balls are: Non-Abrasive: Made with materials that are gentle on a dog's teeth, reducing the risk of dental wear. Non-Toxic: Constructed from pet-safe materials that minimise health risks if ingested in small amounts. Durable: Built to withstand the chewing and playing habits of dogs without breaking apart easily. Tips for Safe Play To ensure your dog's playtime is both enjoyable and safe, consider the following tips: Supervise Playtime: Always keep an eye on your dog when they're playing with any toy, especially balls. Choose the Right Size: Select a ball that's appropriate for your dog's size to prevent choking hazards. Inspect Toys Regularly: Check for signs of wear and tear. Replace any toys that are damaged. Opt for Dog-Specific Toys: Invest in toys designed for dogs, made from safe and durable materials. Our Top 5 Tennis Balls At Lords & Labradors, we offer a range of specially designed tennis ball dog toys that prioritise your pet's safety without compromising on fun. Lords & Labradors Super Bounce Tennis Balls -  Our super bouncy construction guarantees hours of fun for your furry friend. These lightweight tennis balls are specially designed to keep your pet entertained and make fetch a fun-filled experience. KONG Squeak Air Tennis Balls - These come in three sizes so you can choose the perfect size for your pup, our office dogs particularly love the XS size as they’re much smaller than normal tennis balls so are easier for them to carry round. They also have squeakers in the middle and are made from a special non-abrasive felt. KONG Tennishoes Giraffe - This super cute giraffe has tennis balls as feet, it’s the perfect combination between a ball and a plush toy. NERF Tennis Ball Blaster With Target - This is a great choice for both fetch-loving dogs and the rest of the family. Perfect for long-distance games of fetch and for target practice. KONG Handipod Launch - A must have walk accessory, the Handipod launch is both a tennis ball launcher and a poo bag holder. Its ergonomic design ensures comfort throwing and control, while the specially designed construction provides distance and durability. Each HandiPOD includes 30 poo bags and a KONG ball for added longevity and distance. Conclusion Tennis balls can provide endless entertainment for dogs, but it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with regular tennis balls. By opting for tennis balls for dogs and following safe play practices, you can ensure your furry friend enjoys their favourite game without compromising their health. At Lords & Labradors, we're committed to providing quality, safe products for your pets. Explore our collection of dog-friendly tennis balls and other toys to keep your canine companion happy and healthy.

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    How To Care For Your Cat's Teeth

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Common signs of dental problems in cats include: Bad breath (halitosis) Drooling Red or swollen gums Difficulty eating Loose or missing teeth Yellow or brown buildup on teeth Addressing dental care early and regularly can prevent these issues from escalating and ensure your cat enjoys a healthy, comfortable life. How to Clean Cats' Teeth: Best Practices for Brushing Brushing your cat's teeth is one of the most effective ways to prevent dental issues. However, not all cats will tolerate having their teeth brushed, so it’s important to introduce this practice slowly and gently. Start Early and Be Patient: The earlier you start brushing your cat’s teeth, the more likely they are to accept the process. If you have a kitten, begin handling their mouth gently to get them accustomed to you touching their teeth and gums. If your cat is older, start by getting them used to the sensation by touching their mouth and teeth with your finger. Use Cat-Specific Toothpaste and Toothbrush: Never use human toothpaste on your cat, as it can be harmful if ingested. Instead, choose a toothpaste formulated specifically for cats, which often comes in flavours like poultry or fish to make the experience more pleasant for them. You’ll also need a toothbrush designed for cats, which typically has soft bristles and is smaller to fit comfortably in their mouth.Alternatively, you can use a finger brush that slips over your finger, which may be easier to manoeuvre in your cat's mouth, especially for beginners. Introduce Brushing Gradually: Take it slow when introducing brushing. Start by letting your cat lick the toothpaste off your finger, so they get used to the taste. Then, gradually progress to touching the toothbrush to their teeth. Once your cat is comfortable with the toothbrush, gently brush in small circular motions, focusing on the outer surfaces of the teeth where plaque tends to accumulate.Aim to brush your cat's teeth two to three times per week, if possible. Consistency is key, but even brushing once a week can make a difference. Positive Reinforcement: Make the experience as positive as possible by rewarding your cat with treats or praise after each session. This will help them associate tooth brushing with something enjoyable, reducing their resistance over time. How to Keep Cats' Teeth Clean Without Brushing If brushing your cat’s teeth proves too difficult or stressful, there are alternative methods to help maintain their dental health. Here are some effective ways to keep your cat's teeth clean without brushing: Dental Treats: There are specially formulated dental treats available that can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup on your cat’s teeth. These treats are designed to have a texture that scrapes away plaque as your cat chews, promoting better oral hygiene.  Dental Diets: Certain cat foods are designed to promote dental health by reducing plaque and tartar. These foods typically have larger kibble sizes, which encourage cats to chew more, and contain ingredients that help to clean the teeth as they eat.  Chew Toys: Providing your cat with chew toys can help keep their teeth clean naturally. Chewing on toys helps to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth, much like dental treats. Choose toys that are specifically designed for dental care, as they are made to withstand your cat’s chewing and have textures that promote tooth cleaning. Water Additives: Water additives are another way to keep your cat’s teeth clean without brushing. These products are added to your cat’s water bowl and contain ingredients that help reduce plaque buildup and freshen breath. They are easy to use and can be particularly beneficial for cats who won’t tolerate other forms of dental care. Dental Wipes: If brushing isn’t an option, dental wipes can provide a less invasive way to clean your cat’s teeth. These wipes are designed to be rubbed along your cat’s teeth and gums to help remove plaque and bacteria. While not as effective as brushing, dental wipes are a great alternative for cats that refuse a toothbrush. Recognising When Your Cat Needs Professional Dental Care Even with regular at-home dental care, some cats may still develop dental issues that require professional attention. Your veterinarian will assess your cat’s dental health during routine check-ups and may recommend a professional cleaning if needed. Here are some signs that indicate your cat might need professional dental care: Persistent bad breath Visible plaque or tartar buildup Red, swollen, or bleeding gums Drooling or pawing at the mouth Difficulty eating or refusal to eat Loose or missing teeth If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to consult your veterinarian. Professional dental cleanings under anaesthetic allow your vet to thoroughly clean below the gum line and address any dental issues before they worsen. Preventing Dental Issues in Cats In addition to regular dental care, there are other steps you can take to prevent dental problems in your cat: Routine Vet Visits: Schedule regular check-ups with your vet to monitor your cat’s dental health. Your vet can identify any potential issues early and recommend treatments. Monitor Diet: Ensure your cat is eating a balanced diet that supports dental health. High-quality dry food can help scrape plaque off the teeth, while certain wet foods are formulated to support oral hygiene. Hydration: Keeping your cat hydrated is important for their overall health, including their dental health. Make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.   Caring for your cat’s teeth is essential for maintaining their overall health and comfort. Whether you choose to brush their teeth regularly or opt for alternative methods like dental treats, toys, or water additives, there are plenty of ways to keep your cat’s teeth clean and prevent dental problems. By being proactive and consistent with your cat’s dental care, you’ll help them avoid painful dental conditions and enjoy a happy, healthy life.    

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