A petite and elegant toy breed known for its silky, white coat and lively personality. With a distinctive head adorned by long, flowing hair, this small dog is a charming and affectionate companion. Renowned for its gentle demeanour and playful spirit, the Maltese is well-suited for indoor living and forms strong bonds with its human family.
Brushing The Dog: How Often Should You Brush Your Dog
There’s nothing better when your pooch is all clean and smelling lovely, with their beautiful coat cleaned and brushed - but, when it comes to brushing your dog, you might be wondering if your dog even needs brushing, and if they do, exactly how often they require brushing? Adopting a short-haired dog unfortunately doesn’t mean your dog doesn’t need brushing, every dog requires help to keep their coat looking, smelling and feeling nice, we discuss how often your dog requires brushing, and how to keep their coat looking lovely.
How Often Should You Brush Your Dog?
Your dog’s coat may need some help in taking care of, and dependant on their type of coat will determine how frequently it’ll require brushing. Generally, if you have a short haired breed like a Jack Russell, your dog’s coat should be ok to be brushed weekly (this is assuming they’re not rolling around in the wet mud!). Longer haired dog’s such as a Maltese will require daily brushing to keep them comfortable. If your pet sheds, such as a Labrador retriever, they will also require brushing twice weekly, to avoid build up and discomfort.
It's best to start the brushing routine when they’re young, however, you can train your dog to enjoy the bonding process of being brushed at any age. Although the tools and technique will vary from breed to breed, and your dog’s temperament, these are the tips we recommend to follow whilst grooming your dog.
Removing Mats
Start by teasing out any mats your dog has. This may decrease week-by-week if you keep your brushing routine. You may want to opt for a de-matting comb, teasing out the knots in your dog’s fur gently.
Once your dog is free from any mats, go over with a de-shedding tool only if your dog has a thick undercoat, or is prone to shedding.
When you’ve picked out the perfect tool for brushing your dog, make sure they’re dry and comfortable before brushing in the direction of the way their fur grows. For longer haired breeds, you may want to work in sections.
To help make the process more enjoyable for you and your dog, you may want to spray your dog with a pet-safe detangling spray.
Best Dog Brush
Depending on your dog’s breed will determine the best brush, consider the guidance below before purchasing the brush as these recommendations may work better for you and your dog
Coat Type
Example Breed
Recommended Brush
Wiry Hair
Slicker brush or a medium to fine tooth comb.
Short & Smooth Fur
Soft Bristle Brush or Grooming Glove
Short Fur with Undercoat
Labrador retriever
Undercoat rake, medium to fine tooth comb, slicker brush
Long & Silky fur
Cocker Spaniel
Slicker brush, medium to fine tooth comb
Long & Coarse fur
Shih tzu
Slicker brush, Pin brush, medium/fine tooth comb
Long fur with undercoat
Border Collie
Undercoat rake, medium to fine tooth comb, slicker brush
Curly fur
Slicker Brush, medium/fine tooth comb
Please use the above as guidance of which tool to use to brush your pet, as with all breeds, taking the time to brush them will not only physically be more comfortable, but it will strengthen their bond too.
Spooky season is here! And households all over the nation will likely find themselves surrounded by a whole host of sweet treats and snacks, ready for trick-or-treaters to arrive at the door.
It seems pup owners are certainly preparing to protect their four-legged friends from the food-heavy holiday seasons ahead, with 2,400 Google searches for ‘what can’t dogs eat’ in the past month.
With this in mind, Johanna Buitelaar-Warden, Founder of Lords and Labradors has highlighted four toxic foods that you should never give to your dog and how to keep your pets away from potentially harmful snacks
Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?
In short, yes, your dog can eat pumpkin flesh. Pumpkins are found in a lot of dog food and may even be an ingredient in the meals they already eat.
However, to stay safe, avoid feeding your pooch the prickly stalk – whilst this is not toxic, it may cause irritation in your dog's mouth and harm once ingested.
It’s also important to remove the pumpkin skin before serving your dog up some pumpkin, as this can act as a choking hazard. If ingested, this can be a serious risk of gut obstruction.
Can Dogs Eat Chocolate?
Be aware, that chocolate is notoriously dangerous for dogs!
This is because chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which even in small doses can provide serious problems for your dog. Issues can range from mild stomach upsets, to more serious complications like seizures and cardiac arrests.
To ensure your pet remains safe and healthy, keeping chocolate treats away from your dog is essential to their wellbeing – whether you have a little puppy, or a full-grown adult dog.
Can Dogs Eat Sweets?
From sugar-free chewy fangs to jelly eyeballs, artificial sweeteners can be even more detrimental to your dog’s health than sugar.
These types of sweet treats commonly include an ingredient called Xylitol – which is highly forbidden for dogs – as this can potentially result in toxicity, which can set in as early as 30 minutes after ingestion. Complications from Xylitol can pose a danger to your dog’s blood sugar levels and liver function.
Can Dogs Eat Popcorn Or Crisps?
Just like humans, dogs can handle a certain amount of salt in their daily diet. However, high levels of this, found in snacks like popcorn and crisps, can cause complications such as sodium or ion poisoning for your four-legged friend.
This can cause a whole host of complications, ranging from a high fever and vomiting to excessive thirst, seizures and kidney damage.
Can Dogs Eat Raisins Or Grapes?
Although households that hand out fruit on Halloween may have your children’s best interests in mind, healthier snacks like raisins, grapes and sultanas can make your dog seriously poorly if consumed. They can cause gut problems in pups, and in some cases, kidney damage.
The toxic dose varies from dog to dog but can be very little in some cases – meaning that they will only have to eat a small portion to become seriously unwell.
Are puppies at a higher risk?
Whilst it’s important to keep dogs of all ages away from toxic foods like chocolate, high-salt snacks, and sugar-free alternatives, this is especially important for puppies.
Puppy food contains a balance of proteins, enzymes and other nutrients that are designed especially for their health and growth – therefore, overindulging or nibbling on the wrong food item can cause both immediate, and long-term complications for your fur baby.
When rich or fatty foods are consumed as a puppy, the risk of diseases such as pancreatis increases. Essentially, this can lead to a lifetime of gut sensitivity for your precious pooch. And extra calories outside of a healthy balanced diet may lead to obesity, contributing to a shorter lifespan as an adult.
Tricks To Keep Your Dogs Away From Poisonous Food
Distance your pet from trick-or-treaters: it’s a good idea to keep your dog in another part of the house where they will be safe when trick-or-treaters come knocking.
Provide their own special treats to reduce temptation: giving your pet some tasty, dog-friendly treats, such as Barking Bakery’s Doggy Popcorn or Denzel’s Toffee Apple Soft Sticks is a great substitute for toxic human sweets and chocolate.
Have a plan for storing sweets: It’s important to have a plan for where the sweets will be stored, as leaving these on floors, tables, or any other easy-reachable surface becomes a hazard for your dog.
Ensure household members, and visitors, are aware: make sure to review the list of toxic foods with everyone in your household to ensure your pet is as safe as possible – and don’t forget to inform potential guests who may want to give your pooch a tasty treat!
If the worst-case scenario happens and you think your dog may have eaten something harmful, it’s important to treat this as an emergency and contact your local veterinarian straight away. Keep monitoring your pooch just in case they display any unusual behaviour, such as: vomiting, lethargy, loss of coordination, excessive thirst, rapid heartbeat or seizures.
Want to treat your dog to some terrifically tasty treats which they can eat this Halloween, why not check out our Halloween collection? It's filled with spook-tacular goodies for them to enjoy
Puppy insurance is an essential and important part of the pet ownership journey that gives owners peace of mind that should the worst happen, their pup is protected.
Simply put, pet insurance exists to help owners looking to protect their canine companions from unexpected health issues and the associated costs of veterinary care. Much like health insurance for us humans, puppy insurance like that offered by our friends over at Waggel, covers a range of treatments, surgeries and medications that may be needed throughout your puppy’s life.
Taking out a puppy insurance policy is just one of the many ways you can protect your pet and ensure they’re being cared for in the best way possible. Whilst puppy insurance protects your pet from accidents and illnesses, treating your pup to the best pet products is sure to contribute to their health and wellbeing too. This means making sure your pup is welcomed home in true style with high-quality pet products that are made to last - like those from Lords & Labradors.
Why Puppy Insurance Matters
Pet insurance is particularly crucial during a puppy's early years when they are more susceptible to accidents, illnesses and the development of unforeseen health conditions. Many owners push the thought of insurance from their minds and think that because their pet is young, they’re unlikely to experience any issues. Sadly, this couldn’t be further from the truth. By investing in puppy insurance, you can ensure that you’re consistently providing the best possible care for your furry friend without the worry of facing overwhelming veterinary fees and bills.
Without an insurance policy in place, you risk having to pay substantial fees if your pet were suddenly to become ill or involved in an accident. During a time of stress and upset, who would want to be worrying about vet bills? Without the added stress of paying hundreds or even thousands for treatment, you can focus on what’s most important, helping your dog get back to optimal health.
Vet fees can quickly add up and can become a financial burden in a time of anxiety. From surgery costs to medication and x-rays, an insurance policy in place for your pup can give you added peace of mind during times of uncertainty ultimately meaning you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
When it comes down to it, we all want what's best for our pets and our love for them means that we’ll always choose the best things for them, whether this be premium pet insurance or premium pet products. Being a pet owner means going one step beyond to ensure our furry friends are living the life they truly deserve.
Understanding Puppy Insurance
Puppy insurance is a pet insurance policy that can be taken out when a dog is as young as 8 weeks old. Most insurers require puppies to be 8 weeks old before they are eligible for an insurance policy simply because this is the youngest they can be separated from their littermates and mother. Separating a puppy from their litter too early can cause them to exhibit fear, anxiety and reactivity which is something no prospective owner wants for their new addition.
Insuring your puppy from 8 weeks means that they’ll be protected as soon as they join your family. Doing this early on in your puppy’s life means you can avoid pre-existing condition exclusions often put in place by insurance providers to ensure you aren’t claiming on a condition your pet already had before you took out your policy.
To break it down, if your pup was insured from 8 weeks old and suddenly at 2 years old developed a health condition that required veterinary care, you’d be able to claim for treatment relating to the condition for the entirety of your dog’s life as long as you remain with the same insurer, pay your monthly premiums and have a Lifetime policy in place.
However, if you waited until your puppy became an adult and then tried to claim on something they suffered with as a puppy when they weren’t insured, this would be classed as pre-existing and means your claim will likely be declined leading to more stress in an already worrisome situation.
At Waggel, they’re all about making insurance simple and do so by only offering one type of policy, Lifetime. A Lifetime policy means that you can continue to claim for any conditions your dog may develop throughout their entire life, as long as you renew your policy each year.
When purchasing a puppy, some owners are offered temporary pet insurance policies that protect their pet as they settle into their new home. They are often offered by breeders with the purchase of a puppy and don’t involve handing over any bank details. The catch is that they’re not a long-term solution and expire automatically after 4 weeks.
Switching to a Lifetime insurance policy, like that provided by Waggel, can eliminate any potential complications and ensure your puppy is protected from as young as 8 weeks old leaving no time for pre-existing conditions to develop.
Types Of Puppy Insurance
Waggel offers Lifetime policies only for one simple reason; because they’re the most comprehensive. Though they’re considered one of the more expensive types of pet insurance, Lifetime policies offer peace of mind to owners who can continue to claim for the same condition year after year as long as their policy stays active. Waggel also offers flexibility by allowing you the ability to adjust your Annual Coverage and Excess each year to suit your financial needs.
There are, however, other types of puppy insurance available such as maximum benefit, time-limited and accident-only policies.
Maximum benefit puppy insurance policies refer to a mid-level type of cover for injuries, accidents and illnesses. With a maximum benefit policy in place, you can continue to claim per condition up to a pre-specified limit. Once this limit is reached, you won’t be able to claim for the condition anymore until it resets or the policy is renewed.
Time-limited policies may seem more affordable than Lifetime and maximum benefit but they can be limiting in terms of what they offer. Essentially, they allow you to claim for conditions your dog has developed up to a timed limit. Once this timeframe has passed, you’ll be unable to claim. It’s commonly used for short-term illnesses and injuries, though health conditions can be unpredictable and reappear at any time throughout your dog’s life. With a time-limited policy in place, it’s unlikely you’d be able to claim for the same condition again which can be worrying for many owners.
Accident-only policies are considered one of the more cost-effective forms of pet insurance simply because they only cover treatment and medical expenses related to accidents. Whilst this may be tempting for new pet owners who haven’t experienced ownership before, pets are very unpredictable and can develop health conditions at any point during their lifespan which an accident-only plan is unlikely to cover.
For peace of mind, flexibility and continuous protection year after year, a Lifetime policy is sure to provide everything your pet needs and more.
What Puppy Insurance Can Cover
So, you’ve decided to take out puppy insurance but what’s really included in your policy? Most comprehensive policies like Lifetime and maximum benefit include coverage for veterinary fees such as diagnostics, surgery, medication and procedures, third-party liability in the event your dog is involved in a legal matter for which you’re deemed legally responsible, and the purchase price if your pet passes away, is stolen or goes missing.
All of the above can go a long way in providing your pup with the best start to life. Some policies go even further, like Waggel’s Lifetime policies that also include dental and travel cover for pet owners.
Dental health is a very important aspect of canine health and shouldn’t be overlooked. As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your dog’s teeth are annually checked and deemed healthy by a vet. Your vet will be required to note down on their records that your puppy’s teeth are in optimal health in order for you to submit a dental-related claim in the future. Without a record of good dental health, insurers will be unable to determine the original condition of your dogs when they were young.
With travel cover included as part of your policy, you can rest assured that your puppy is protected even when you’re both out of the country. Waggel offers coverage for emergency treatment when you’re on holiday outside of the UK and within a country of the Pet Travel Scheme for up to 90 days each year.
No one wants to think of a time when their pet isn’t here anymore, especially in the excitement of bringing home a puppy. However, as a pet owner it’s something you want to know is covered during a time of sadness. When searching for pet insurance, it’s a good idea to look for policies that include death cover and benefits such as coverage for the purchase price of your pet if they pass away from an accident or illness.
Exclusions In Puppy Insurance
Whilst we wish puppy insurance covered everything, there are some things that are excluded. As mentioned above, most pet insurance providers exclude pre-existing conditions from policies which is why it’s so important to get your pet insured as soon as possible.
Other things that aren’t typically covered in puppy insurance policies include routine, preventative and cosmetic treatments. Routine treatments such as vaccinations and flea and worm treatment are typically excluded as insurers focus on specific treatments instead. This also means you’ll be unable to claim for the cost of neutering or spaying your puppy. Fortunately, lots of vets have health plans in place which, by paying a monthly cost, can help you secure discounts for routine and elective treatments. Health plans often work in conjunction with pet insurance policies so you can continue to get the best price for treatment and protection for your pet at the same time.
Puppy insurance is a vital part of pet ownership that can ensure your pet is protected from as little as 8 weeks old. Choosing the right kind of policy is important as you want to ensure you get the most comprehensive kind of coverage. We recommend Lifetime insurance like that offered by Waggel as it includes cover for things such as vet fees and dental treatment.
Insuring your puppy early means you can skip the worry of pre-existing conditions and rest easy knowing you can claim back the cost of treatment for any condition your dog may face in the future.
Taking care of your new addition also extends beyond insurance and includes incorporating high-quality pet products from Lords & Labradors. To ensure your new furry friend gets the best start to life, why not explore Lifetime policies and get a free, no-obligation quote from Waggel?
As a Waggel member, you’ll have access to an exclusive membership platform where you can book free vet, behaviour and nutrition consultations. So, when they say they’ve got your back, they really mean it.
Once your insurance policy is live you can gain immediate peace of mind knowing your pet is protected for life. And if you’re thinking of celebrating this little win, why not explore even more premium pet products with Lords & Labradors offering comfort and luxury for your dog throughout every phase of their life?
Getting a puppy is an exciting milestone, but it’s also a decision that comes with significant responsibility. Before you bring a bundle of furry joy into your life, it’s essential to make sure you’re truly ready for the commitment. From preparing your home to understanding the emotional impact, let’s explore everything you need to know about getting a puppy.
The Emotional Impact of Getting a Puppy
Welcoming a puppy into your life is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s not without its challenges. Many new owners experience something called the “puppy blues,” a sense of overwhelm that comes with the drastic changes a puppy brings to daily routines. Puppies require constant care, training, and supervision, especially in the first few months. It’s natural to feel regret or doubt during this adjustment period. You’re not alone if you’ve ever thought, “Did I make the right decision?”
To combat these feelings, set realistic expectations and remind yourself that the challenging phase is temporary. Puppies grow and learn quickly, especially with consistent training and patience. Lean on resources like our blog on Top 10 Tips First-Time Dog Owners Wish They'd Known for guidance and reassurance.
Is It Better to Get a Puppy or an Older Dog?
One of the first questions to ask yourself is whether you’re ready for the high-energy demands of a puppy or if an older dog might be a better fit. Puppies require house training, socialisation, and plenty of time and energy. On the other hand, older dogs can come with some training and may have a calmer demeanour, making them ideal for families or individuals with busier schedules. However, it’s important to consider if you are rescuing a dog the behavioural challenges that may come with this and the time and work you will need to overcome these.
If you decide on a puppy, remember that their first 16 weeks are crucial for socialisation. Some people worry about whether 16 weeks is too old to get a puppy, but the answer depends on the care and exposure the puppy has had up to that point. A well-cared-for 16-week-old puppy can still adapt beautifully to your home with proper training and love.
Preparing Your Home for a Puppy
Preparation is key when getting a puppy for the first time. Puppies are curious and mischievous, so ensuring your home is safe and equipped with the right essentials will make the transition smoother for both you and your new companion.
Getting a Puppy Checklist:
Dog Crate: A crate is an invaluable training tool that provides a safe space for your puppy to rest and helps with house training. We recommend a durable and appropriately sized crate, such as our heavy duty deluxe dog crates. If you want more information on crate training check out our Complete Dog Crate Guide, which has all of our Pet Experts tips and tricks getting the perfect crate set up as well as crate training your puppy.
Puppy Playpen: Playpens are ideal for keeping your puppy secure while giving them space to move around. They’re perfect for moments when you can’t keep an eye on your pup. Our play pens can attach to your pups crate too acting as a crate expansion pack, perfect for giving them a little more freedom!
Puppy Bed: A cosy bed is a must-have for ensuring your puppy feels comfortable and secure. Our Cosy & Calming puppy crate beds work perfectly as both a crate bed or a standalone bed. Alternatively our Grow With Me Puppy Beds are perfect for pups who love to curl up and be cocooned to sleep.
Toys: Puppies need mental stimulation and chewing outlets. Invest in a variety of toys, including chew toys, plush toys, and interactive puzzles. Shop our range of puppy toys here to keep your pup busy.
Food and Water Bowls: Opt for non-slip, easy-to-clean bowls. Consider investing in a slow feeder bowl if your puppy eats really quick, it will slow them down aiding better digestion.
Collar, Lead, and Harness: Start with a soft, adjustable collar, harness and a lightweight lead. A harness which is adjustable on both the neck and chest is ideal for growing puppies, we love both the Cocopup harnesses and the Ruffwear harnesses for this.
Training Pads: Accidents are inevitable. Puppy training pads help with house training in the early days.
Grooming Supplies: Puppies need regular grooming. A gentle puppy shampoo, brush, and nail clippers should be part of your kit. Our PetPlex puppy purifier collection is a great starting point for your puppy, it’s gentle on their skin and smells like baby powder which we just love.
Visit our website to shop for these puppy essentials and more. A well-prepared home sets the foundation for a smoother transition.
The Pros and Cons of Getting a Puppy
Unmatched Bond: Raising a puppy from the start builds a deep bond that lasts a lifetime.
Training Control: You can shape their behaviour and habits from a young age.
Energy and Playfulness: Puppies bring joy and energy into your life, making them ideal for active families.
Time Commitment: Puppies require round-the-clock care in the early months.
Financial Costs: From initial vaccinations to food and supplies, puppies can be expensive. Learn more about the cost of owning a dog to prepare your budget.
Emotional Strain: The adjustment period can be challenging, and you may experience moments of doubt.
By weighing the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your lifestyle.
What to Do When You Get a Puppy
Once your puppy arrives, the first few weeks are crucial for establishing routines and building trust. Here are some key steps to follow:
House Training: Use positive reinforcement to teach your puppy where to go to the toilet. Be patient and consistent. Try taking them outside every hour in those first couple of weeks until they go to the toilet to help teach them where to go.
Socialisation: Expose your puppy to various environments, people, and other animals during the early weeks to build confidence. Just make sure they have their vaccines before introducing them to other dogs.
Vet Visits: Schedule vaccinations, deworming, and a general health checkup with your vet. Also check that your puppy’s microchip details are up to date, your vet should be able to check this for you.
Establish Routines: Set regular schedules for feeding, playtime, and training to help your puppy adjust to their new home.
Training Basics: Start with simple commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come”, as well as teaching your puppy their name. Consistent, reward-based training is key to success. If you are a first time dog owner you may benefit from some puppy classes, as much as these are to help train your puppy they are also to give you the confidence and tools to be a good dog owners and can be really beneficial.
Final Thoughts: Are You Ready?
Getting a puppy is a life-changing decision that brings immense joy and love but also requires significant time, effort, and resources. By considering the emotional and practical aspects, preparing your home, and equipping yourself with the right tools, you can set yourself and your puppy up for success.
If you’re still unsure, check out our puppy section on our Information Hub for further insights from our Pet Experts. And remember, Lords & Labradors is here to support you every step of the way with premium products and expert advice. Shop all of your puppy essentials here at Lords & Labradors.
Deciding whether your cat should live indoors or be allowed to roam outdoors can be a difficult decision. Cats have a reputation as independent explorers, yet modern pet care emphasises their safety and well-being, often tipping the scales in favour of indoor living. So, should your cat stay indoors? Let’s explore the pros and cons, answer common questions, and provide expert tips for making the best decision for your feline friend.
Indoor Cats: Pros and Cons
Keeping a cat indoors has several benefits, but it’s essential to consider potential downsides too.
Advantages of Indoor Cats:
Safety: Indoor cats are protected from traffic accidents, predators, toxic plants, and other outdoor hazards.
Health: Indoor cats are less likely to contract diseases such as feline Leukemia or FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus), which are common in outdoor cats.
Longevity: Studies show that indoor cats typically live longer than their outdoor counterparts due to reduced exposure to dangers.
Control over Environment: You can create a safe, enriched environment tailored to your cat’s needs.
Challenges of Indoor Cats:
Boredom and Frustration: Without proper stimulation, indoor cats may become bored, leading to destructive behaviours.
Weight Management: Indoor cats are more prone to obesity due to reduced physical activity.
To mitigate these challenges, ensure your indoor cat can access toys, scratching posts, and climbing furniture. An enriched indoor environment can keep them physically and mentally stimulated. We have everything to keep them stimulated here at Lords & Labradors, from deluxe scratching posts and trees to fun interactive toys!
Indoor vs Outdoor Cats
The debate between indoor cats vs outdoor cats often sparks strong opinions. Here’s a comparison to help you weigh the options:
Outdoor Cats:
Pros: Natural exercise, freedom to explore, and stimulation from their environment.
Cons: Exposure to dangers like vehicles, predators, diseases, and harsh weather.
Indoor Cats:
Pros: Controlled environment, better health and safety, and the potential for a longer life.
Cons: Requires effort to provide adequate stimulation and prevent boredom.
Ultimately, the choice depends on your cat’s personality, your living situation, the area you live in and how much effort you’re willing to put into creating a safe and engaging space.
Is It Cruel to Keep Cats Indoors?
Many pet owners wonder, "Is it cruel to keep a cat indoors?" or "Do cats like staying indoors?" The answer largely depends on how well you cater to your cat’s needs. Cats have a natural instinct to hunt and explore, so keeping them indoors without proper enrichment can lead to frustration. However, with the right environment—including scratching posts, toys, perches, and regular playtime—indoor cats can thrive. In fact, many cats prefer the comfort and safety of an indoor life, especially when they have never experienced the outdoors.
If your cat shows signs of stress or boredom, consider adding new activities or spaces, such as window perches or interactive toys.
Can an Outdoor Cat Become an Indoor Cat?
Yes, an outdoor cat can transition to an indoor lifestyle. The process requires patience and gradual changes:
Start with Shorter Outdoor Sessions: Gradually reduce the time your cat spends outside, bringing them indoors more frequently.
Create an Enriching Environment: Provide plenty of stimulation indoors, such as scratching posts, climbing trees, and puzzle toys.
Stick to a Routine: Cats thrive on consistency, so create a daily routine for feeding, playtime, and relaxation.
Provide Safe Outdoor Access: If your cat struggles with the transition, consider a compromise like a catio or supervised walks with a harness.
Transitioning an outdoor cat to an indoor lifestyle can improve their safety and health, but it’s crucial to ensure they feel comfortable and stimulated indoors. It may be worth speaking to your vet or a behaviourist if you have questions on the best way to transition your cat from being outdoors to indoors.
Can an Indoor Cat Become an Outdoor Cat?
Conversely, you might wonder, "Can an indoor cat become an outdoor cat?" While it’s possible, it comes with risks. Before making the switch, consider:
Vaccinations: Outdoor cats need vaccinations to protect them from diseases like rabies and feline distemper. Check with your vet to ensure your cat’s vaccinations are up to date.
Gradual Introduction: Start with supervised outdoor time to allow your cat to acclimate safely.
Safety Precautions: Use a harness and leash for control or limit outdoor access to a secure garden.
Environmental Risks: Evaluate the risks in your area, such as busy roads or predatory animals.
If you’re concerned about your cat’s safety but want to provide outdoor experiences, a catio or enclosed garden is an excellent compromise.
Do Indoor Cats Need Vaccines?
Even indoor cats need vaccinations. While they are less exposed to diseases than outdoor cats, there’s still a risk of infections from:
Contaminated surfaces or objects brought inside.
Other pets in the household.
Escape attempts that expose them to outdoor environments.
Consult your vet about core vaccines and boosters to keep your cat healthy, regardless of whether they’re an indoor or outdoor cat.
Creating the Ideal Indoor Environment
If you decide to keep your cat indoors, creating a stimulating environment is key to their happiness. Here are some essentials:
Scratching Posts: Cats need to scratch to maintain healthy claws and mark their territory. Place scratching posts in areas your cat frequents. Shop our favourite cat scratching posts here.
Toys: Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and wands provide mental and physical stimulation. We especially love the Catit Senses circuits for keeping our cats busy.
Perches and Climbing Trees: Cats love high vantage points. Invest in a cat tree or wall climbers for them to climb. Our Malmo range of wall climbers is perfect for fixing on to your wall to create a circuit for your cat to climb.
Litter Boxes: Provide clean, accessible litter boxes. For multiple cats, ensure there’s one per cat, plus an extra.
Interactive Playtime: Spend time playing with your cat daily to strengthen your bond and keep them active.
Conclusion: Indoor or Outdoor Cat?
The decision to keep your cat indoors or allow them outdoors depends on your lifestyle, location, and your cat’s personality. Indoor cats can lead long, happy lives when their environment is enriched with the right essentials. On the other hand, outdoor access provides natural stimulation but comes with significant risks.
If you’re looking to provide the best care for your indoor cat, check out Lords & Labradors’ cat essentials collection. From scratching posts and toys to litter boxes, we have everything you need to create a safe, engaging space for your feline friend. Explore our range today and ensure your cat lives their best life indoors!
Winter’s really starting to set in - the clocks have gone back, resulting in darker nights and we’ve all rushed to get the heating on. But once Jack Frost has made his appearance, you may start wondering whether it’s too cold to walk your dog. You might be all set with a coat, hat, gloves and scarf, however your dog is less protected from the elements than you are. Their fur helps to keep them warm to a degree, and you can always put them in a winter coat or woolly jumper to protect them from the cold even more. But at which temperature do you decide that it’s too cold to walk them?
Should You Walk Your Dog In Winter?
You absolutely should walk your dog in winter. Walking is an excellent source of exercise for your dog, but also a way for them to experience the wonderful smells of the world around them. They get to socialise with other dogs, have some bonding time with their owner and wear themselves out ready for a cosy night by the fire.
However, before you take your dog out, you should take a look at what the weather’s doing before making a decision. If it’s a beautiful, crisp sunny day, for example, with very little breeze, a walk would be welcome. But if it’s looking a bit windy and stormy, you may decide that it’s best not to go. The walk should be enjoyable, and it’s likely that neither of you will enjoy it if it’s like this. You may also want to assess whether it’s safe to take your beloved pet out. Low fog or mist and hail can be dangerous, for example, so in these conditions it may be safer to skip the trip out.
If you do decide to venture out in the rain or snow, be sure to take a route that’s well paved and well lit.
Can Dogs Be Walked In The Cold?
Dogs definitely can be walked in the cold, and you shouldn’t let the dropping temperatures be a reason to stop giving them their daily exercise. A walk is likely one of the highlights of your dog’s day (besides dinner time) so if they’re happy to go out in the cold, you should be happy to take them.
There are some things that you may want to take into consideration before you leave the house, though.
First, you should try to walk during the day - it will be much colder early in the morning and in the evening, so stick to mid-morning or early afternoon, between 10 and 2 is ideal. Plus if salt has been put on the pavements and roads, it’s more likely to have been pushed off the surfaces by other people that have come and gone over the course of the day. Salt can cause irritation of the skin on the paw’s underside and can become painful for your dog.
You should go prepared with a coat for your dog that is sized correctly, making it comfortable for them and easy to walk in. Check out our best winter dog coats blog to see our favourites this winter. As already mentioned, you should stick to well-lit paths or routes that you and your dog know well. If they get anxious about the rain or cold weather, knowing where they are going could help them to feel a bit more at ease.
At what temperature does a dog need a coat?
This will vary from dog to dog, typically smaller dogs, short haired breeds and puppies will get colder easier than their larger & long haired counter parts. There isn't an exact temperature that your dog will need a coat, but we recommend watching your dog's behaviour and judging from that, remember you know them best! If they don't like wearing a coat don't force them, the stress isn't worth it for you or them!
Even with all these things in place, your dog may not be that keen to go out. Always be sure to listen to what your best friend is telling you. If they’re refusing to walk, shivering, standing in a hunched position or whining, then you should take them home.
If your dog doesn't fancy a walk but still has lots of energy to burn, why not try some indoor enrichment activities with them? 15 minutes of sniffing is equivalent to an hour's dog walk, so snuffle mats will be your best friends when your dog doesn't fancy a wintery walk. Alternatively, the Nina Ottosson interactive dog toys are great for keeping your dog's mind busy.
What Temperature Is Too Cold For A Dog To Walk Outside?
Now we’ve discussed certain weather conditions and how to prepare for a chilly walk. But how do you know when it’s time to skip walkies altogether? and what temperature should you not walk your dog? Use our table below to work it out!
Dog Walking Temperature Chart
As you can see, small dogs are more vulnerable in the cold, whereas bigger dogs can withstand lower temperatures. Do keep this in mind when taking your furry friend for a walk, and avoid walking any dog when temperatures drop below -10℃, even if they’re wearing a coat.
For puppies and older dogs, it’s better to exercise a little bit more caution, as they could be more vulnerable to the cold too. If you’re at all unsure, it’s probably best to keep them in.
Can I walk my dog in -4℃?
As you can see from the chart above -4℃ is either potentially unsafe or dangerous depending on what size dog you have. If you have a small or medium sized dog, or a puppy we recommend staying home and using enrichment activities to keep them busy. However, if you have a large dog, walk them with caution or stay home. If you do decide to walk a larger dog, we recommend keeping their walk shorter and properly dry them off once you're home.
How Long Should You Walk Your Dog In Cold Weather?
Generally, it’s best to cut your walks short when it’s really cold outside. The longer your pup is outside, the lower their body temperature will go, so it’s best to give them a few shorter walks instead of giving them one long walk.
For temperatures above -4℃, medium to large dogs can walk for around half an hour, whereas smaller dogs should be limited to around 20 minutes. However, do keep in mind that other factors can make it feel colder outside than it actually is. For instance, a strong wind can take a relatively mild day to a freezing cold one. Walking in the snow can be fun too, when it’s a lovely sunny day, but if you’re walking in wet sleet or through sludgy snow, your dog’s body temperature can drop quite quickly, even when they’re moving. You should stop your dog from eating snow, as this can bring their temperature down too.
You should be able to walk your dog in winter, when it’s perfectly sunny or when it’s a little bit rainy. Just do take into account other weather factors and how long you’re outside for.
Do Dog's Paws Get Cold?
Just like our hands and feet, your dog's paws can get cold too! However, over time their paws have adapted to help them from freezing. Their arteries bring warm blood from their body to their paws and back up their legs, rather than loosing the heat through their skin, this is known as a countercurrent heat exchange. To help keep your dog's paws warm, make sure to dry in between their paw pads after a walk and wash off any salt and grit they may have walked through. You can even use some paw balm after to help stop their paw pads from cracking.
If you’re anything like us, you will love this time of year. There’s nothing better than getting in the Christmas spirit by watching holiday movies, eating festive treats and preparing for Christmas Day with present wrapping and writing cards. But you might be wondering how you can get your pets involved with Christmas. Our dogs and cats are just as much a part of the family as our human relatives, so it’s important to keep them involved too. Here we suggest some fun things to do with your pets at Christmas.
Go For A Festive Dog Walk
Going outside for a walk might sound like something you do all the time, but there’s no reason you can’t mix things up a little during the festive period and put a Christmassy spin on your dog walks. You could try a different route to your usual one and see how many Christmas decorations and lights you can see. Or why not take a trip to the woods and see if you can find any pine cones - great for making your own Christmas decorations. Your dog will enjoy the adventure and it’ll be fun to see what you can find to add to your table centrepiece or wreath!
Take Christmas Pictures of your Pets
The festive season is a great time for making memories and for keeping them on film. Why not get your dog dressed up in a novelty jumper and bring your cat over for a cuddle too, then take some family photos together. They could be silly snaps or more formal ones, but whatever the set-up, have fun! They could make a great little addition to Christmas cards - why not take them on an instant camera if you have one and pop them inside the cards you send to relatives and friends. A really easy way to send something personal this Christmas.
Have a Movie Night in on The Sofa
One thing we love to do with our pets is just chill out on the sofa. When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing better than curling up on the sofa with a hot chocolate and your pets by your side whilst you all watch a Christmas movie together. We talked about some of our favourite dog themed Christmas movies in a previous blog post; the perfect read for some festive film inspiration. We’d suggest getting some Christmas treats together - that means doggy popcorn and biscuits for the fur babies and a bottle of something bubbly for you! - and snuggling under a blanket for the perfect night in.
Buy Them Some Christmas Presents
This is probably a given for most pet parents, but if you haven’t already considered it, think about buying your cat or dog some presents. It’s a tradition in most households to buy loved ones a gift at Christmas, so why not include your pets in the list and wrap them a present or two as well. You can include them in the gift opening on Christmas morning - they won’t only love the gift inside the paper, but will probably enjoy the fun of trying to unwrap it too!
Give Them a Christmas Themed Dinner
Christmas dinner is an integral part of the holiday season. Spending quality time with loved ones around the dinner table is one of the things we look forward to the most. Whilst your pets shouldn’t really eat our human food, we stock a number of Christmas foods that are made especially for your pet, so they can share in the festivities on Christmas Day. There are some rather fancy Christmas themed treats that you can give them if they’ve been especially good this year!
Make Some Homemade Pet Treats
Whilst we have a huge variety of Christmas treats for pets in our shop that are suitable to be served straight from the packet, you could also make some fresh pet treats of your own. There are a number of places to find recipes for Homemade Christmas Pet Treats online, so you can bake them something extra special. We rather like the look of the Peanut butter Biscuit Dog treats by The Cookie Rookie. Whichever recipe you decide to try, we’d suggest buying some Christmas shaped cookie cutters and making the treats look extra festive!
Have an Indoor Christmas Playdate
Playtimes can easily be scuppered by winter weather but that shouldn’t mean that playtime should be stopped altogether. Why not bring the fun indoors and concoct some indoor activities for your pets. You could have some interactive fun with some stuff-able toys - pop some dog or cat treats inside their favourite toy and watch them have fun digging them out. We have a whole Elves’ Workshop full of Christmas goodies for cats and dogs which will add a festive twist to your pet’s toy box.
Whatever you choose to do this year, we hope you have fun. This year has been a tough time for everyone and we hope you all manage to make Christmas as special as possible.
The run up to Christmas is generally a fun time for all. Christmas markets, cream topped hot chocolate, perhaps a mulled wine, festive films, gift wrapping; there is a lot to enjoy during the festive period. But what about our pets? Whilst we are all for letting them join in the Christmas cheer (have you perused our Christmas Grotto yet?!), we also know it is important to be aware of the possible dangers posed to pets at this time of year. We’ve created this article to make sure you’re aware of the hazards your pets might face this Christmas.
Christmas Chocolate and Treats
There are a number of human foods that are toxic to cats and dogs. The best thing is to keep all human food away from your pet and make sure your guests know not to “treat” your pet with anything from their dinner plate or the chocolate box - what may seem like a kind offering may just be toxic to your cat or dog. Buy in some festive themed cat or dog treats so your pet can join in the Christmas feast safely
Some foods that are toxic to pets include raisins, onions, chocolate and grapes. You should also be cautious of sweets and turkey which have both been known to cause illness and even death in pets.
Christmas Treats for Pets - Why not buy some festive themed dog or cat treats for your furry friends so they can enjoy the festivities without tucking in to your human foods. We have a wonderful selection of pet safe treats with a christmassy twist so your four legged family members can join in the feast!
Flowers and Plants
We’ve talked about toxic plants and flowers in the blog posts and it’s particularly important to be conscious of potential floral dangers to your pets at this time of year. Plants are a popular choice of gift at Christmas and many of us decorate around the home with a festive floral display to two. If you have pets it’s important to make sure they can’t come in to contact with a nothing toxic, such as lilies, mistletoe or holly) If you’re going to decorate with these, either keep them in a room that your pet isn’t allowed in or keep them out of reach. The last thing anyone needs is a poisoned pet at Christmas.
Some of the popular festive plants to be cautious of include holly, poinsettia, amaryllis and pine.
Christmas Tree
If you have a cat or a particularly inquisitive dog (puppies especially), be thoughtful of your tree; where you place and how you decorate it. Tinsel might not be the best idea if you have cats - the glistening reflections could well find your cat launching at the tree! The same goes for low lying baubles and lights. You know your pet best, so place the tree with your pet in mind. Be wary of glass baubles and any small ornaments - these pose a risk of injury and if ingested can cause internal bleeding.
If you have a real tree be careful of adding certain plant foods when you water it - just in case your thirsty pet decides to take a sip.
Lit Candles
This seems obvious, but it’s easy to forget you have a candle burning in the corner. Keep candles out of reach pf pets - we don’t want to see any singed whiskers this Christmas! Not only can they burn your cat or dog, but if they get knocked of a shelf or other surface can cause a fire.
Quiet Time
Lots of visitors and celebrations can be overwhelming for our pets. Make sure there is a quiet room or area that they can retreat to when all the celebrations get a little bit too much. Even sociable pets can get worn out - giving them a peaceful area away from visitors will allow them to rest when they want and not get agitated or stressed. This is especially important for cats who tend be more independent creatures.
Make Christmas Special for Your Pets
Take into account the potential hazards, but don't focus on them. There's no reason Christmas can't be super special for humans and animals alike. If you haven't already perused the virtual shelves of our Christmas Grotto you should definitely head over there now. We've hand selected some darling items that are perfect for all your loveable pets. Whether it's a festive treat or something to wear, there is something for every Christmas-loving pet. Don't miss our hampers that are filled with all kinds of goodies - we have versions for both cats and dogs!
As the festive season approaches, many of us are busy selecting the perfect gifts for our loved ones. But amidst the hustle and bustle, have you considered what to get your feline friend? Cats may not understand the concept of Christmas, but they certainly appreciate new toys, treats, and cosy accessories. This year, make your cat part of the festivities with some thoughtful cat Christmas presents from our Festive Feline collection that will keep them purring with delight.
The Joy of Gifting Your Cat
Cats bring endless joy and companionship into our lives. They greet us after a long day, entertain us with their playful antics, and offer comfort when we need it most. Christmas presents for your cat are more than just material items; they're a way to enrich their environment, stimulate their minds, and strengthen the bond you share.
Top Christmas Present Ideas for Cats
1. Interactive Toys
Interactive toys are excellent Christmas present ideas for cats who love to play and explore. Consider toys that mimic prey, such as feather wands or laser pointers, to tap into their natural hunting instincts. We have lots of fun Christmas toys for you to choose from for your cat, from festive mice themed toys to cute reindeers and Christmas trees.
Puzzle toys that dispense treats can also provide mental stimulation and keep your cat engaged for hours, the Catit Senses 2.0 food tree is a great food dispensing toy that will appeal to your cat’s natural hunting instincts.
2. Cosy Beds and Blankets
With winter's chill in the air, a plush bed or warm blanket makes a good cat Christmas present. Look for beds with high sides or hooded tops to create a secure, den-like environment. Our high wall beds for cats make the perfect den for them to snuggle in, the plush high walls are the cosiest for your cat to snuggle their head into. Heated pads or self-warming materials are perfect for older cats or those who love to bask in warmth.
3. Scratching Posts and Climbing Trees
Get your cat their own tree this Christmas with one of our luxury cat trees. Cats need to scratch and climb—it's in their DNA. A new scratching post or climbing tree not only saves your furniture but also offers a place for exercise and relaxation. Opt for multi-level towers with perches, hammocks, and hiding spots for the ultimate Christmas present for the cat who loves to explore vertical spaces. Shop our range of cat trees and wall climbers to make your cat’s Christmas dreams come true.
4. Gourmet Treats and Premium Food
Indulge your cat's taste buds with gourmet treats or a high-quality food upgrade. Natural, grain-free options or treats infused with catnip can be both delicious and beneficial for their health. Want to get some fun Christmas themed cat treats? Shop our Christmas dinner for cats collection to get the tastiest Christmas themed treats for your favourite festive feline.
5. Litter Robot 4
If you really want to spoil your cat this Christmas look no further than the Litter Robot 4. This is not only a present for your cat but a present for you too! You’ll never have to scoop your cat’s litter again. This is not just a litter tray, it’s a smart self-cleaning cat litter box that neutralises odours in real-time and reduces litter tracking. Designed for cats of all sizes, its unique technology guarantees a clean bed of litter with each use. It has app compatibility and an easy-to-access step make this a must-have for any cat owner. Now all there is to do is to pick which colour to get.
Including Your Dog in the Festivities
If you're a multi-pet household, you might be looking for dog and cat Christmas presents that both animals can enjoy. Shared toys, dual pet beds, or interactive feeders that encourage cooperative play can enhance the harmony between your furry companions.
DIY Christmas Presents
For a personal touch, consider making your own Christmas presents for your cat. DIY toys like yarn balls, cardboard box castles, or homemade treats allow you to customise gifts to your cat's preferences. Plus, crafting can be a fun holiday activity for the whole family.
Safety Tips for Cat Gifts
While shopping for good Christmas presents for cats, keep safety in mind:
Avoid Small Parts: Ensure toys don't have small pieces that could be swallowed.
Choose Non-Toxic Materials: Opt for items made from pet-safe materials.
Supervise Playtime: Especially with new toys, supervise your cat to prevent accidents.
Check for Allergies: Be cautious with new foods or treats if your cat has dietary sensitivities.
Making Christmas Special for Your Cat
Beyond gifts, there are other ways to make the holiday season special:
Include Them in Traditions: Let your cat be part of the decorating (supervised, of course) or family photos.
Create a Safe Space: With guests coming and going, ensure your cat has a quiet place to retreat.
Maintain Routine: Stick to regular feeding and playtimes to reduce stress.
Final thoughts on what to get your cat for christmas
This holiday season, don't forget to place something under the tree for your whiskered companion. Whether it's an engaging toy, a cozy bed, or a delicious treat, the right Christmas present for your cat can make the festivities brighter for both of you. After all, the joy of Christmas is amplified when shared with those we love—furry friends included.
So, what are you getting your cat for Christmas? With so many options available, you're sure to find the perfect gift that says "Thank you for being part of my life."At Lords & Labradors, we offer a curated selection of premium pet products that make ideal Christmas presents. Explore our range to find the perfect gift for your cat and make this holiday season truly memorable.
How to Keep Your Dog Entertained During a Winter Road Trip
Winter road trips can be a delightful experience, offering picturesque landscapes and cosy adventures. However, when you have a dog on a road trip, especially during the colder months, it's essential to ensure your furry friend is not only safe but also entertained. A bored or restless pet can lead to distractions, which might compromise safety on the road.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore expert tips on how to keep your dog entertained and secure during your winter travels, as well as recommend some of our favourite travel products to make your road trip as easy and enjoyable as possible.
Securing Your Dog in the Car
Before focusing on entertainment, safety should be your top priority. So, how do you secure a dog in a car? Dogs should be properly restrained to prevent injuries in case of sudden stops or accidents. There are several options:
Dog Seat Belts and Harnesses: These attach to your car's seat belt system and your dog's harness, keeping them safely in place.
Crates and Carriers: A sturdy crate can be one of the safest ways for your dog to travel. Ensure it's well-ventilated and secured so it doesn't shift during the drive.
Pet Barriers: If you have an SUV or a wagon, a pet barrier can keep your dog confined to the cargo area.
Not only do these methods protect your dog, but they also prevent them from distracting the driver. Do dogs have to be restrained in a car? In the UK it is legally required to restrain pets during travel.
Our Top 5 Options For Securing Your Dog In The Car
Lords & Labradors Dog Car Booster Seat - This is the perfect companion for your pup while travelling. This easily installed booster seat elevates your dog, enabling them to look out of the window. It includes attachment belt for buckling up your dog and will fix in easily with your seatbelt. With a removable cushion and foam padding for extra comfort, this seat also features a dipped front for easy access, providing your pup with a safe and comfortable ride.
Lords & Labradors Easy Traveller - Its versatile 3 in 1 design serves as a pet bed, carrier, and cat seat bed. The removable and reversible cushion provides comfort and the non-slip base ensures stability. Secure your pet with the tether and store travel essentials in the extra pockets.
Lords & Labradors Travel Seat Snoozer - Expertly designed for pet parents, the Travel Seat Snoozer by Lords & Labradors is the perfect car seat for your furry companion. With a waterproof lining, non-slip base, and protection from pet hair and dirt, your car will stay clean and dry on rainy walks. It has a tether to attach to your dog’s harness to keep them secure, this is a great option for both your car and your pet.
Lords & Labradors Double Easy Traveller - A versatile 2 in 1 pet bed and car seat, this is a great choice for larger dogs or dogs who love to stretch out. Featuring a removable and reversible cushion and a non-slip base for stability. Keep your pet safe and comfortable with two straps for headrests and a tether for large pets.
KONG Ultimate Safety Tether - The KONG Ultimate Safety Tether is designed to ensure safe and secure travel with your dog. Featuring superior control than regular tethers, this adjustable product offers ultimate safety and peace of mind. Accurate measurements, secure construction, and reliable performance make it an ideal choice for responsible pet owners.
Preparing for Pet Travel During Winter
Travelling with pets requires additional preparation, especially in winter. Cold weather can affect your dog's comfort and health. Ensure your vehicle is warm enough, and consider bringing along a blanket or a warm bed for your pet.
Here's a checklist for winter pet travel essentials:
Food and Water: Pack enough for the trip, including a travel water bowl.
Lead, Collar and Harness: Necessary for walks during stops.
Poo Bags: For cleaning up after your dog.
Medications: If your dog requires any.
Identification Tags: In case your dog gets lost, make sure they have got up to date contact details on
Dog Entertainment Toys for the Road
Keeping your dog entertained is crucial for a peaceful journey. Dog entertainment toys are a fantastic way to occupy your pet's time. Here are some dog toys to keep dogs entertained during a road trip:
Chew Toys: Durable and safe chew toys can keep your dog busy for hours. We love the Zeus Nosh bones, they are great for chewers and are super long lasting.
Food Dispensing Toys: Toys that dispense treats when manipulated can stimulate your dog's mind. A KONG is a great choice for a road trip as your dog needs minimal space to be able to retrieve the food from the toy and you can fill them with whatever your dog likes, we love to use our dogs wet food as a fun way to give them their dinner.
Scented Toys: Engage your dog's sense of smell with toys infused with enticing scents. The Gnosher bones are a great choice they have chicken, bacon and chocolate scented chew toys which your dog is sure to love!
When selecting toys, ensure they are appropriate for your dog's size and chewing strength. Avoid toys that can be easily destroyed and pose a choking hazard.
Interactive Games and Activities
Beyond toys, there are other ways on how to entertain your dog during a long drive:
Training Sessions: Use the time to reinforce commands. Simple training can mentally stimulate your dog.
Car-Friendly Games: Play games like 'find the treat' by hiding small treats around your dog's area.
Calming Music: Some dogs respond well to music specifically composed for pets.
Remember to praise and reward your dog for good behaviour, reinforcing a positive experience during the trip.
Regular Breaks and Exercise
A crucial aspect of travelling with a dog in the car is scheduling regular stops. Dogs need to stretch, relieve themselves, and burn off energy. Plan to stop every 2-3 hours at pet-friendly rest areas.
Short Walks: A brisk walk can help alleviate restlessness.
Playtime: If possible, engage in a quick game of fetch or tug-of-war.
Hydration: Offer water during stops to keep your dog hydrated.
These breaks not only benefit your dog but can also help you stay alert and refreshed.
Comfort and Familiarity
Creating a comfortable environment is key to how to keep dog entertained and relaxed. Bring along your dog's favourite blanket or bed, which carries familiar scents. This can provide comfort in an unfamiliar setting.
Additionally, maintaining a consistent routine with feeding and walking times can help reduce anxiety. Familiarity in routine can make travelling with pets less stressful for both of you.
Weather Considerations
Winter travel comes with unique challenges. Be mindful of the following:
Temperature Control: Ensure the car is warm enough, but not overheated.
Avoiding Drafts: Position your dog away from cold drafts coming through doors or windows.
Clothing: For short-haired breeds or small dogs, consider a dog jumper or coat.
Final Thoughts on Road Trips with Dogs
Embarking on a road trip with dogs during winter can be a rewarding experience with proper planning. By securing your dog safely, providing engaging toys, and attending to their comfort, you can ensure a pleasant journey. With the right preparation, you and your canine companion can enjoy some of the best road trips with dogs, creating unforgettable memories along the way.
At Lords & Labradors, we offer a wide range of products to make your trip successful, from dog entertainment toys to travel accessories. Explore our collection to find the perfect items for your next adventure.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How should a dog travel in a car?
A: Dogs should travel in a car using a proper restraint system like a seat belt harness, crate, or pet barrier to ensure safety.
Q: Do dogs have to be restrained in a car?
A: In the UK it is the law to restrain your dog in the car
Q: What are the best dog toys to keep dogs entertained during a road trip?
A: Chew toys, puzzle toys, and interactive toys are excellent choices to keep your dog engaged during travel.
Q: How can I keep my dog entertained without toys?
A: Engage in training sessions, play car-friendly games, or use calming music to keep your dog occupied.
Q: What are some tips for travelling with pets in winter?
A: Ensure your pet is warm, bring necessary supplies, maintain their routine, and plan for regular exercise breaks.
At Lords & Labradors, we specialise in dog crate bedding and accessories. Our dog crate cover and bed sets are available in a stylish choice of fabrics and come in a variety of sizes. These sets create the ultimate comfort spot for your puppy or adult dog. Luxury dog crates...
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At Lords & Labradors, we specialise in dog crate bedding and accessories. Our dog crate cover and bed sets are available in a stylish choice of fabrics and come in a variety of sizes. These sets create the ultimate comfort spot for your puppy or adult dog.
Luxury dog crates
All our deluxe dog crates are made from pet-safe metal and feature removable trays to make them practical and super easy to clean. With sizes ranging from small to XXL, there’s a dog crate set to suit all breeds. Crates are essential when it comes to house training your new puppy. We always suggest buying a larger size dog crate and bed for your puppy so they can grow into it, saving you from having to purchase a new crate when they’re older.
Luxury crate bedding
Our luxury bedding is hand-crafted and designed to the highest quality, appearing both practical and stylish. Bumpers sit around the edge of the crate cushion to provide a super-soft wall of comfort for your pooch. All our bumpers and cushions feature waterproof linings in case of any accidents. It’s recommended to choose a dog crate with a cover – they’ll provide your draughty, bare cage with a fresh new look and offer some privacy for your dog too. They’re particularly great for helping young puppies settle into their night-time routines and offer nervous dogs an extra feeling of security.
Purchase your dog crate set online today
Treat your four-legged friend to one of our stylish dog crate, cover, bedding and bumper sets by browsing our online range today. If you’re struggling to decide which one would be perfect for your pooch, contact our team today who will be more than happy to help. You’ll have 28 days to return your product if you’re unhappy with it for any reason. Our Lords & Labradors items also come with a 365-day quality guarantee, so it’s easy to see why we’ve received so many positive reviews. We also offer free delivery on all orders over £75. Browse the range and order your dog crate set today.
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Size Calculator
Furry friends come in all shapes and sizes, so results may vary. Our size calculator only acts as a guide.
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How to Measure Your Dog
Back Length
The length of your dogs back from base of neck to base of tail in centimetres.